SLPCNVT Version 1.0 - Age of Empires Graphic Conversion Utility

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SLPCNVT Version 1.0 - Age of Empires Graphic Conversion Utility
Copyright (C) 1998 Joseph Knight. All rights reserved.
Written by Joseph Knight,


This program is freeware, but I will accept donations, E-Mail me for more info.
This software is provided as is, with no warranty of any kind. I cannot be held liable for any damages caused by this software. Use at your own risk.
Age of Empires a game by Microsoft & Ensemble Studios. All trademarks are property of their respective owners.


How to make your own
Bugs & Limitations
Feedback & Support


SLPCNVT was created by me over the past few months to account for the proprietary format of SLP files, the most commonly used graphic file for Age of Empires. What first led me to writing the program was the fine utility created by Stoyan Ratchev, DRSBUILD, along with the SLP file list created by Brian Yip. Looking at his list, I realized that many of the images that really had to be there somewhere, were missing and I couldn't seem to find them, which led me to examine the SLP files more closely. Finally, after many road blocks, I cracked the commands used to create the images and wrote this utility to convert SLPs to BMPs and back.


It works just like DRSBUILD. The original package is a ZIP archive called SLPCNVT.ZIP, which contains the following files:
SLPCNVT.TXTthe file you are currently reading
GBLANK.BMPBlank 1 pixel file for padding (see bugs)
SBLANK.BMPBlank 1 pixel file for padding (see bugs)
CBLANK.TXTCenter for Blank files (see bugs)
After unzipping the archive, copy the executable into your PATH, so you can use it from any directory.


Usage: SLPCNVT  {/X | /B | /Ex | /L | /?} <slp_file>[.SLP]
                <file(s)...> [/O<out_dir>] [/S] [/Px] [/N]
  /X  Extract all images in <slp_file>
  /B  Build <slp_file> from <file(s)...>
  /Ex Extract a specific image by number (x) in <slp_file>
  /L  List specs for files in <slp_file>
  /?  Print the help screen
  /O  Extract files to <out_dir> folder, default is current folder
  /S  Silent mode
  /Px Select a player number for marking colors (0-8) (default is 1)
  /N  No control files (won't create S*.BMPs and C*.TXTs)
All of the commands work with one SLP file only, no wildcards in <slp_file>. However you may use wildcards in <file(s)...> when building an SLP file. Ok, first I'll describe all the switches and then all the commands:



NOTE: If your files have long names then you need to use the 8.3 form of them.

How to make your own

Ok, what good would this utility be if you could make your own images? So here I'll explain what the 3 files are used for and how to create one.
The easiest file is the C*.TXT, this specifies where the center of the image will be based on the upper left corner being 0,0. For instance, the fire burning has certain images which are higher (as the flames shoot up). If the program placed the images based on the upper left corner then the bottom of the flame would jump all around in a really funny way. So the Center text file (C*.TXT) is critical to the image info. It's very easy to change as well, simply enter the X and Y coordinate centers. These can even be negative numbers because some images, like certain units dying, move way off where the original center was.
The text file looks just like this:
10 , 34
And you can create your own (or edit the one that's created for you) just as easily, now for the harder parts.
The G*.BMP is a standard BMP, the only catch in creating your own is that you need to use the same palette or when you load the files into AOE it will look very odd. The easiest way to do this is to simply load one of the extracted BMPs and edit it. Basically make this file exactly as you want the user's version to look as a player 1 unit (in other words, use the Dark Blue colors 16-25 for unit specs) and use color 0 for transparent sections. This isn't really important but it will make it easier to create the matching S*.BMP
The S*.BMP is also a standard BMP, however getting this file right is much more important. Both BMPs must be exactly the same size, because all pixels between the two files need to correspond to each other. All parts that will be transparent in the final SLP must be color 0. Any parts that you want to be displayed exactly as they are in the G*.BMP must be set to color 255 in this BMP. There is an interesting function that actually makes the colors underneath it darker when drawn (basically a shadow). Any pixels that you want to appear this way in the final SLP must be color 120, preferably in both images (because any pixels in the G*.BMP will be overridden the same way as they are with transparency).
Finally, any colors that you will want to appear in the final SLP as user specific colors, need to be between/including colors 16-25. These will be converted exactly as shown into the SLP.
Ok, I hope that was clear enough, but if it wasn't, I recommend just extracting a few images to see what the program gives for output and then copy that.

Bugs & Limitations

No bugs I know of, as for limitations, you can only use a maximum of 300 files to create the SLP. There is a maximum of 100 command line parameters, but if you can get more that that on a command line, I'll be very impressed!. The program cannot use long filenames. Other than that, there's no problems I know of. If there are any errors in the created SLPs then Age of Empires will probably lock up at worst. (I should know, I tried enough bad ones before I had the code straight.) Oh also, if you try to recreate an SLP that originally had some empty images, (The program will say, "No image number x") then when you re-create it you'll need to include some blank (1 transparent pixel) BMPs to pad the data. I've included the file GBLANK.BMP and it's counterparts just for this purpose.

Feedback & Support

Well, I've checked and rechecked the functions in this program, but because of it's complexity, I can't ensure that every possibility will work. But most of it should work out fine. If you have any trouble try a few different times a few different ways, but if you run into a real problem, please feel free to E-Mail me about it. Make sure you backup your original DRS files before playing around with changing the SLPs so that if things really get messed up you can just restore from your originals.
I can't be sure how soon I'll be able to respond to your E-Mail, but I'll do the best I can.


I would like to thank the following people for their fine utilities, files, support, and encouragement:

Stoyan Ratchev, for creating DRSBUILD and Brian Yip, for his list of the SLP files which encouraged me to start in the first place.

My wife, for consenting to be a computer widow for the past few months, and a friend of mine who kept listening to my complaining that the latest algorithms weren't working.

And, as always, Microsoft & Ensemble Studios for creating Age of Empires!

Copyright (C) 1998 Joseph Knight. All rights reserved.

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