Age of Empires taunts

To add these taunts to AoE, simply unzip the file into the sound directory of AoE, e. g. D:\AoE\sound. The other player can then use the new taunts on you :) so if you want to use them, the other player must have them, too.
Now all taunt listings are printable!

File Description Author, ©
Kleitus' taunt collection (2.0 MB) A whole bunch of taunts made up from movies, the Simpsons, etc. A detailed description of the taunts is included in the file. Sounds: various sources
Selection: Kleitus
Todd's taunts (3.46 MB) Taunts from various movies and series such as South Park, Army of Darkness, and many more. Sounds: various sources
Selection: Todd
All taunts! A page with a listing and links to all taunts that I have assembled. Sounds: various sources
Selection: Telcontar
Monty Python 30 taunts from Monty Python's movies and sketches; look at the listing for more information. Sounds: Monty Python
Selection: Telcontar
Star Wars 11 taunts from "Starwars" and "Dark Forces", taken from different sources or directly from the Dark Forces sound files. Sounds: Lucas Arts
Selection: Telcontar
Scifi 10 taunts from various Scifi movies, such as "Terminator", "Space Odyssey", "Star Trek" and "Spaceballs", taken from various sources. Sounds: various sources
Selection: Telcontar
Beavis and Butthead Taunts from "Beavis and Butthead". Used to be alternative sounds for Doom; I do not know who assembled them in the first place. Sounds: Beavis and Butthead
Selection: Telcontar


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